Monday, September 24, 2012

Grapefruit Juice Could Cancer Treatment

In a small study of patients with in curable cancer, drinking 8 ounces of grapefruit juice a day boosted the effect of a drug they were given during the study. Although some participants had a response, tumours did not disappear after using the drug, which is mostly used to treat conditions unrelated to cancer.

The study’s finding was that grapefruit juice might allow using smaller drug dosages, reducing side effect and costs. Sirolimus (Rapmune) is an immunosuppressant and not approved as a cancer drug. Its primary use is to prevent rejection after kidney transplants. It is also used as a treatment for psoriasis, the researchers noted.

Some early studies suggest that sirolimus may have tumor-fighting effects. Derivatives of the drug are used in kidney cancer and breast cancer. The drug, however, has what is called poor bioavailability, which means the body can’t use it efficiently. Only about 14 per cent gets absorbed, aid lead researcher. We thought if we could manipulate it we could increase the availability, make it easier to take and make it more effective.

With grapefruit juice or another drug, the researchers were able to increase the effectiveness and also lower the dose of sirolimus. This has a wider application beyond 'sirolimus. This is a proof of principle that grapefruit juice could be used in this way.This same tactic will work with other cancer drugs and could dramatically reduce costs.

Tips To Avoid Diseases During Monsoon

  • Personal hygiene is important. Keep hands clean. Wash after coming in contact with infected person, visiting restrooms, before handling food and drinks.
  • Boiling water best method to eliminate bugs. Bring water to full boil for at least a minute.
  • If infected, do not spread the virus, cover your mouth when sneezing, coughing.
  • Warmed food should be not to the touch, consumed immediately.
FLU/COMMON COLD/VIRALSYMPTOMS Runny noseSore throatCough, Fever

SPREADS: Over 100 viruses cause it but Rhino virus the most common. Highly contagious, spreads through air droplets of infected person’s cough, sneeze, talk.

PREVENTION: Wash hands frequently. Wash children’s toys periodically. Sneeze, cough into tissues. Discard used tissues.


CHOLERA: Severe diarrhea with watery stool, vomiting, muscle cramps, reduced urine. Infected children prone to fever and convulsions.

TYPHOID: Prolonged fever, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue. Chest, abdomen rash.

HEPATITIS A: Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, appetite loss, low-grade fever, dark urine, pale stool, yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice).

SPREADS: Contaminated food, drink and water Ice cubes can also carry infection. Hepatitis A from close contact with infected person.

PREVENTIONDrink boiled clean water. Keep food covered and free from flies. Wash hands frequently. Also use alcohol based hand sanitize-r. Eat well-cooked food. Avoid drinking untreated water and food kept or several at room temperature. If infected, take care against dehydration.


MALARIA: Headache, shiver bouts, recurrent high fever, muscle pain, weakness.

DENGUE: Headache, shiver bouts, recurrent high fever, muscle.

SPREADS:Bite of infected mosquito.

PREVENTION: Ensure no stagnant water where mosquito can breed. Use mosquito nets, repellents.

High fever with chills, headache, muscle ache, dry cough, nausea, vomiting.

SPREADS: Contact with water or soil contaminated with urine of infected animal. Bacteria also carried by pet dogs and rodents.

PREVENTION: Avoid stagnant rainwater likely to be contaminated by animal urine. Keep wounds covered.
Red watery eye, inflammation of membrane (conjunctiva) that lines eyelid and eyeball.

SPREADS: Contagious bacterial or viral infection.

PREVENTION: Don’t share cosmetics or eye-care items, splash eyes with water.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Foods Good For Heart

Heart diseases are one of the most rapidly growing diseases causing deaths across globe. To maintain good health of heart, here are some of the foods you eat. Cardiovascular diseases are becoming an increasing health concern these days due to various reasons like unhealthy eating habits, work and personal life related-stress, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. Heart problems also get coupled with high cholesterol levels and blood pressure too. 
Only exercising isn't sufficient to maintain a healthy heart. One needs to eat the right foods too! Here’s a list of foods that are good for your heart:
Green Leafy VegetablesGreen leafy vegetable like spinach, fenugreek ( methi ), pak choy, radish leaves, lettuce, etc. are healthy and are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer as well. That’s because they are extremely low in fat, calories and high in dietary fibre. They also contain folic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. These minerals are beneficial for the optimum functioning of the heart. Studies have shown that one daily serving of green leafy vegetables can lower the risk of heart diseases by 11 percent.
OatsOats are one of the healthiest options available for breakfast. Not only do they make you feel full and energetic, they are great for your heart too. Oats contain beta glucan, which is soluble fibre that helps bring down cholesterol levels specially LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. Have oat-meal for breakfast or have oatmeal bread or cookies to absorb their benefits.
Whole grainsWhole grains whether its wheat, barley, millet, pulses and even beans for that matter are good for the heart because they provide natural fibre and vitamins. They contain vitamin E, iron, magnesium and a host of anti-oxidants. Regular consumption of whole grains reduces blood pressure too.
Soy proteinSoy is essentially soya bean curd. They are also available in the form of soya chunks and soya mince easily in the market today. Soy is an excellent healthy substitute for red meats which are high in fat, increase the bad cholesterol and saturated fats which are very bad for the heart
TomatoesTomatoes are a good vitamins and acts as a blood purifier. Regular consumption of tomatoes is known to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Vitamin K present in tomatoes helps to prevent occurrences of hemorrhages. Eat tomatoes in the raw form in salads or sandwiches, cooked form in gravies or simply good old ketchup.
SalmonFish is good for the heart because they quite low in fat compared to red meat. Fish especially Salmon is one most renowned healthy food for the heart. That’s because Salmon is rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that is beneficial against inflammation and risk of blood clotting. These omega-3 fatty acids also help to lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Olive OilOlive oil is one of the healthiest oils available, whose consumption is actually good for the heart. Having olive oil as a regular part of your diet, helps in lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. Also, olive oil contains mono unsaturated fats that are good for the heart and are packed with anti-oxidants. Extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenols and gives even greater health benefits. Drizzle some olive oil in you salad as a dressing instead of that unhealthy mayonnaise and high-calories dressings, or better skill substitute it for your normal cooking oil and see the difference.
AlmondsAlmonds when eaten in moderation are known to lower cholesterol levels in the body and heart diseases. They also contain vitamin B17, E and minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc and are a good source of mono unsaturated fats.
ApplesAn apple a day, will surely keep the doctor away because they contain guercetin, a photochemical containing anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in prevention of blood clots. Eat apples for breakfast with your cerel or eat them as a snack when you’re hungry instead of pigging out on deep-fried chips.
Red wineRed wine when drunk in moderation can be very good for the heart because they contain a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol. Also, red wine contains flavanoids. Have red wine in moderation instead of guzzling other hard alcohol drinks that are high in sugars.

Home Cure for Kidney Stones

Dissolving Kidney Stones

Dissolving kidney stones is an effective way to get rid of your stones. Unfortunately, most doctors only recommend drinking plenty of water which in most cases is not enough. You can dissolve your stones because 9 out of 10 stones are made up of calcium.

Calcium is a fairly fragile mineral that is easily dissolved. Here are some tips to begin your home cure for kidney stones.

Home Cure for Kidney Stones

1. Continue to drink plenty of water. You should try to drink at least 100 ounces of water per day. That is a lot considering that a gallon of water is 128 ounces of water.

2. Keeping your diet high in citric acid can be helpful. For instance, eating at least 3-5 fruits daily can aid to the dissolution process.

3. You should also be supplementing ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is another name for Vitamin C. You should supplement 2000 mg daily.

4. Finally, probably the most effective acid is phosphoric acid which is used in many of the beverages we drink but also cleaning products. Phosphoric acid is completely digestible but it is used in cleaning products to break apart calcium buildup. If you connect the pieces, you can understand why phosphoric acid is an effective home remedy.

Ginger As A Natural Cold Remedy

Ginger is used in most of the places as a remedy for sickness. It has been a famous addition to energy drinks because of its properties. The ginger root can be used to prevent cough, nausea and sore throat. It can also be used to keep your body energetic. Ginger when used in the tea during the winter season gives a better taste and very beneficial to the body. Moreover, ginger is readily available in the market with the affordable price.

Drinking the tea containing ginger on daily basis is vey good for health. The ginger tea can provide energy, improves the digestive system and helps in getting rid of the cold and cough. Thus, the ginger tea is a very healthy drink which should be drunk on the daily basis as it can easily refresh your soul.

There are several other benefits of ginger which are explained below. Ginger is very useful for the motion sickness. It helps in improving the circulation of the blood. It is also helpful in inflammation and the chronic pain. The ginger can provide relief from the stomach cramps and reduces the menstrual pain. The relief from morning sickness and heartburn can be obtained by taking ginger. The regulation of blood sugar can be maintained as well as the immune system can be enhanced by its consumption.

While taking ginger, ensure that you do not overdose it. If it has been taken in more quantity, then it can cause sleepiness or dizziness.

Ginger is used in most of the places as a remedy for sickness. It has been a famous addition to energy drinks because of its properties. The ginger root can be used to prevent cough, nausea and sore throat. It can also be used to keep your body energetic. Ginger when used in the tea during the winter season gives a better taste and very beneficial to the body. Moreover, ginger is readily available in the market with the affordable price.

Note: Never keep ginger in refrigerator. It deteriorates the essence of ginger.

Monday, September 17, 2012

What Is Right Way To Breathe ? Just Breathe Like Babies Do

If you wish to know the correct breathing technique, just look at babies. Nobody has taught them how to breathe, yet they follow the most correct method - breathing deeply through the nose while inflating the stomach. As we grow old, we fall prey to shallow breathing habits that in the long run, play havoc with our health. Our nutrition and fitness regimen may be up to the mark, but its benefits won't be realised until we learn to breathe right.

In simple words, correct breathing is "breathing through the nose". The nasal hair and the slimy surface of nasal track's inner lining filter the air and restrict dust and other minute particles from entering the lungs. This is a very crucial as some people, because of a blocked nose (or other reasons) breathe through their mouth, and continue with this habit when the cold disappears. 
Secondly, correct breathing involves the correct co-ordination of stomach movement during the inhaling and exhaling process. When one inhales the stomach should bloat or expand, when one exhales stomach ought to go flat. 

  1. Deep breathing strengthens our immune system. If you find yourself falling sick consistently, it is probably due to your wrong breathing technique. 
  2. Many of us have shallow breathing habit. As a result of this, there's not enough oxygen in the body. The oxygen-starved state sends the body's stamina crashing. Climb a few stairs or run for a few meters and you will find yourself feeling breathless. 
  3. When we are under stress, our breathing rate quickens and we fall in the 'shallow breathe' trap. As a result of this, the body experience lack of oxygen and fighting stress becomes even more difficult. So the next time you are anxious or stressed, don't fall in the vicious cycle, instead breathe deeply.
  4. An important role of oxygen is purification of blood and flushing out of toxins. The lack of oxygen is responsible for build-up of toxins.
  5. Many people develop wrong breathing technique while working out. Incidentally, incorrect breathing can nulify most of your regimen benefits. Never hold your breath. Ensure that you breathe deep and that your stomach expands as you inhale and goes flat when you exhale.
  6. Correct breathing helps us relax, gives clarity of through and helps achieve a sense of balance.
  7. If you find yourself dealing with frequent headaches, chances are lack of oxygen is the culprit.


Follow these simple exercises and correct your breathing pattern:
1) Dirgha Shwasan (Deep Breathing)
Inhale deeply and exhale deeply. Pay attention and consciously co-ordinate stomach movement with every breath.

2) Anulom Vilom
Fold the index and the middle finger of the right hand.
Use your thumb to close the right nostril and the last two fingers to close the left nostril.
Close the left nostril and inhale through the right. Then, close the right, and exhale through the left.

Next, inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right.
Continue the cycles as long as you can.

3) Kapal Bhati
Use the thumb to close the right nostril.

Inhale a bit from the left nostril and exhale with force.
Repeat the process for 15 to 20 times with each nostril seprately.

Then, repeat this process with both the nostrils open. This completes the cycle of Kapal Bhati.


  • The air that we inhale during the breathing process is roughly 20 per cent oxygen and 80 per cent nitrogen.
  • The blood vessels (or the capillaries) present in our lungs, if positioned in a straight line will extend to almost 1,500 km.
  • A normal person at rest breathes 12 to 15 times every minute.
  • You lose almost 500 ml of water every day due to breathing.

How To Quit Smoking ?

You must have heard this innumerable times-smoking kills, smoking is injurious to health, smoking is for losers. Why is it then millions of people across the globe have no qualms about lighting up a cigarette and going through several packs a day. smoking kills 9,00,000 every year in India. Nicotine found in tobacco products is widely considered to be powerfully addicted drug. It's rapid absorption through the lungs of cigarette smokers is widely accepted, but its equally ready absorption through the oral mucosa under alkaline conditions normally found in cigar, pipe and smokeless tobacco use is less publicised. 

There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. It doesn't matter if it is a light or ultra light; the effects are the same. Smoking and tobacco cause chronic lung diseases, heart attacks, strokes, different types of cancers, blood and oral cavity, erectile dysfunction, cataracts and gum infections. Smoking also contributes to hip fractures due to reduced bone density, higher incidence of post surgical wound infections and problems conceiving. Tobacco stains teeth, causes bad breath and decreases the ability to smell and taste. Those who use smokeless tobacco, such as chew or use snuff, are likely to develop disease of the mouth, including cancer of the mouth and gums.

Second hand smoke-The smoke breathed out by smokers and the smoke from burning end of cigarette, cigar or pipe has twice as much nicotine, and five times the carbon monoxide, as the smoke that is inhaled. Passive smoking is harmful and non smokers living with smokers about 25% chances of heart attack and more likely to suffer a stroke. 

  • You need to be mentally prepared to give up. Remember the mind is stronger than the body. Ask yourself why you want to stop smoking. Remove all things related to tobacco from your home.
  • Tell your friends and relatives that you want to give up the habit and make them encourage you.
  • Whenever you have a desire to use gutka or to smoke, take about 15-20 deep breaths.
  • Take 2-3 glasses of water after every meal.
  • Consume at least twelve glasses of water every day to overcome the habit.
  • Bathing in warm water after some exercise will give you relief. Talk to the people who do not smoke or have given up smoking.
  • Add up the money you have saved by giving up smoking.
  • When you have a strong urge to use tobacco in any form, chew aniseeds (saunph), clove (lavang) or dry amla.
  • Yoga and meditation helps. Regular yoga helps in various ways to give up tobacco. It increases will power and tolerance.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Drinking Water Is Good For Brain

Make sure you drink enough water every day - It's not only good for your body, but good for your brain too, for a new study says that grey matter can shrink without hydration.

Researchers have found that failing to drink enough water can make grey matter shrink, making it difficult for people to think - so, dehydration not only affects the size of the brain but also how it works, the Daily Mail reported. According to the British scientists, just 90 minutes of steady sweating can shrink the brain as much as a year of aging.

Starved of water, the grey matter is also forced to work harder to is also forced to work harder to process the same information. Over days and weeks, lack of fluid could impact on performance at work and school, and on exam results.

But there is no need to panic - because after a glass of water or two the brain quickly returns to normal, say the researchers at King's College London.

For their study, the researchers scanned the brains of teenagers after an hour and a half of cycling. Some exercised in three layers of sweat-including clothing - a bin-liner worn next to the skin, a hooded chemical warfare suit and a track suit. Others were more lightly clad in shorts and t-shirts.

Those who were wrapped up lost around two pounds in sweat - and their brain tissue had shrunk away from their skulls, the study found. Lead researcher Mathew Kempton said: "We saw a general shrinking of the brain tissue. Fluid filled cavities in the middle of the brain expanded and there was a corresponding shrinking of the brain tissue. The people who lost the most weight had the most shrinkage of the brain."

On average, the amount of shrinkage equated to 14 months of age-related wear and tear, or the withering away associated with two and a half months of Alzheimer's disease. The sweaty students did just as well when asked to play a computer game that tests the ability to plan and solve problems.But scans showed they used more of their brain to do it, according to the findings published in Human Brain Mapping journal. 

The total amount of water in a 70 kg man is approximately 40 liters, averaging 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75% of the body weight, but it progressively decreased from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Water helps people to maintain body fat, aids in digestion, lubricates and cushions organs, transports nutrients, and flushes toxins from the body.

8 Tips to Take Control of Your Weight

Anyone who is overweight will testify that losing weight is not as easy as it seems. The people that are lean, or have gone from fat to skinny will say it's just a matter ofmotivation and elbow grease. Although it is not as simple as that,our environments have waged war on us. Their weapons are sedentary lives and trans fats of mass destruction. All is not lost though, here are some quick simple tips to get ahead!

1. Substitute Water.
Our bodies are about 65-70% water. It follows that water would be not only essential, but the best possibly choice of liquids to ingest. In fact, our bodies will sometimes simulate a hunger response, when in reality the body is craving hydration. When hungry, drink a glass or two of water to check if it suppresses your hunger.

2. Chew Your Food.
Chewing our food very slowly and deliberately has several benefits that are often overlooked. It gives us the ability to relax, and enjoy our meal. Slow chewing is the first, and highly important, step in a complex system of digestion. Besides, if we eat slowly, we might feel full before finishing the whole meal, and can leave the rest for the next meal.

3. Exercise daily.
How silly of me to include something as obvious as exercise. I did a 30 day trial with waking up, and walking for 30 minutes first thing in the morning. My journal records that I was feeling amazing during the period of time that I was following this habit.

4. Publicize your intentions.
Start a blog, join a forum, and have other people keep you accountable to help. Tell other people your plan, it would help you get the motivation to go with it!

5. Create a food schedule.
Plan your day so that you're eating at approximately the same time each day. This scheduling will incorporate itself into your circadian rhythm, and aid in digestion.

6. Do not over eat.
Know your limit and stop eating when you are full. I have often been a victim of wanting to finish a meal so that it doesn't go to waste. This has left me with many a stomach ache. Next time, doggy bag it for later, and don't hurt yourself!

7. Choose your snacks wisely.
Put down the Lays and cheese puffs. Pick up the apple and baby carrots. Make the right decision, I know you can do it.

8. Lifestyle.
Remember, it's not about special diets, or special exercise programs. The real secret is in turning your health into a lifestyle, and focusing on this healthy lifestyle with every choice you make.

Benefits of Walking - Reduce Risks Of Heart Attack, Stroke, Hip Fracture and Glaucoma

If a daily fitness walk could be put in a pill, it would be one of the most popular prescriptions in the world. It has so many health benefits. Walking can reduce the risk of many diseases — from heart attack and stroke to hip fracture and glaucoma. These may sound like claims on a bottle of snake oil, but they're backed by major research. Walking requires no prescription, the risk of side effects is very low, and the benefits are numerous:
Managing your weight : Combined with healthy eating, physical activity is key to any plan for long-lasting weight control. Keeping your weight within healthy limits can lower your risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.
Controlling your blood pressure : Physical activity strengthens the heart so it can pump more blood with less effort and with less pressure on the arteries. Staying fit is just as effective as some medications in keeping down blood pressure levels.
Decreasing your risk of heart attack : Exercise such as brisk walking for three hours a week — or just half an hour a day — is associated with a 30% to 40% lower risk of heart disease in women. (Based on the 20-year Nurses' Health Study of 72,000 female nurses.)
Boosting "good" cholesterol – the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) : Physical activity helps reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) in the blood, which can cause plaque buildup along the artery walls — a major cause of heart attacks.
Lowering your risk of stroke : Regular, moderate exercise equivalent to brisk walking for an hour a day, five days a week, can cut the risk of stroke in half, according to a Harvardstudy of more than 11,000 men.
Reducing your risk of breast cancer and type 2 diabetes : The Nurses' Health Study also links regular activity to risk reductions for both these diseases. In another study, people at high risk of diabetes cut their risk in half by combining consistent exercise like walking with lower fat intake and a 5% to 7% weight loss.
Avoiding your need for gallstone surgery : Regular walking or other physical activity lowers the risk of needing gallstone surgery by 20% to 31%, found a Harvard study of more than 60,000 women ages 40 to 65.
Protecting against hip fracture : Consistent activity diminishes the risk of hip fracture, concludes a study of more than 30,000 men and women ages 20 to 93.
The list goes on and on. Many other studies indicate a daily brisk walk also can help:
• Prevent depression, colon cancer, constipation, osteoporosis, and impotence
• Lengthen lifespan
• Lower stress levels
• Relieve arthritis and back pain
• Strengthen muscles, bones, and joints
• Improve sleep
• Elevate overall mood and sense of well-being.

Stress Management Tips

It takes a million years for one gene to change in our bodies. One million years! I'm bringing this up because, physiologically, we're the same humans we were 300 years ago. But look at how things have changed in that short time. Some things make life easier now: washers and dryers, transportation, abundance of food, electricity, etc. But some things make life today more insane: cell phones, traffic, increased population, fake food, TV, busy schedules. I heard a statistic from a doctor-friend that we make more decisions in one day than people used to make in a year. No wonder we're stressed out and reaching for doughnuts or alcohol to cope. All this craziness and high-speed living isn't going away. Since we can't change our genes, we have to create a map to navigate this crazy life. What can you do to try and stay on top of the stress so it doesn't affect your health, happiness, or waistline? 1. Exercise. Amen for endorphins. Believe me, they've helped me many days with my perspective. If you have to work out, then go take a brisk walk and get that blood flowing. It isn't about working out to lose weight -- it's about being healthy and staying sane. 2. Eat the real stuff. Crappy food (fast, processed, and loaded with sugar) doesn't help your chemical brain and body handle stress. Living food, real food, helps support your mind and body while it's trying to deal with the million things coming its way. Every time I reach for the chocolate, I'm looking to feel something from it. Don't get me wrong -- if it's just a little here and there because I enjoy the taste of it, great. But if I'm using it the minute I feel overwhelmed, then that's when that food is no longer OK to eat. It doesn't make the problem go away, and then I just feel bad about eating the food to pacify myself. Grab green food instead. Put things in your mouth that are going to support your immune function and keep you level headed. 3. Notice. Try not to let the stress overtake you. Recognize the situations that cause the stress and notice them coming your way. You have a better shot at fending off the full effects of the stress when you can anticipate it. 4. Get it off your chest. Talk to a friend or partner about the stress. Sometimes just getting it off your chest can help unload some of the burden. 5. Keep your sense of humor. If you do have the chance to talk about it, try to see the irony and humor in the wacky bits. I think someone is dead in the water once they lose their sense of humor. 6. Stay grateful. My daughter has large lungs and verbal skills she likes to display. Just when I start to wishfully think about her being quiet, I remind myself to be grateful that she can talk to me at all. In almost all of our problems are boatloads of blessings. "Oh, I don't feel like going to the gym." Well, Amen that you have the means and the health to even be able to wrestle with the idea of going to work out. Make a habit of saying thank you. You will notice the sunny spots a lot more often, and not just the gray skies and storms. 7. Ask, "What's the hurry?" Have some fun. We're always so busy going somewhere, we miss just enjoying the moment. If an opportunity comes your way to do something fun, take it. 8. Take a deep breath. When you feel the stress getting to you, take a moment. Get away, even if it's just for an hour, to be with yourself and your thoughts. Some people like to take a walk, meditate, lock themselves away in a beautiful bath, or go to church. Find the peace and the silence. 9. Keep it simple. Simplify where you can. Does Junior really need to be in 78 activities at the age of 5? Do you have to go to every little party or gathering you're invited to? 10. Turn of the TV. A lot of it is bad news anyway, and it robs us of hours that we could use to be getting other things done. Since everyone complains that they have no time, get some by unplugging from the tube. 11. Sleep. If you're rested, you have a better shot at handling things. Not to mention, you may not stress out as easily if you have a chance to recover at night. 12. Drink water. I have said it before: Americans consume 21 percent of their calories through liquid consumption. Hydrate with water. Help you entire system function better just by drinking enough water. Oh, and by the way, if you don't think that weight loss and proper hydration have a relationship, think again. Shift the paradigm on its side -- don't think about exercise and nutritional eating just as something you have to suffer through to get into those jeans. Instead, think of them as armor that will protect you in this crazy world, with all of the bazillion details you deal with every day.