Monday, September 17, 2012

How To Quit Smoking ?

You must have heard this innumerable times-smoking kills, smoking is injurious to health, smoking is for losers. Why is it then millions of people across the globe have no qualms about lighting up a cigarette and going through several packs a day. smoking kills 9,00,000 every year in India. Nicotine found in tobacco products is widely considered to be powerfully addicted drug. It's rapid absorption through the lungs of cigarette smokers is widely accepted, but its equally ready absorption through the oral mucosa under alkaline conditions normally found in cigar, pipe and smokeless tobacco use is less publicised. 

There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. It doesn't matter if it is a light or ultra light; the effects are the same. Smoking and tobacco cause chronic lung diseases, heart attacks, strokes, different types of cancers, blood and oral cavity, erectile dysfunction, cataracts and gum infections. Smoking also contributes to hip fractures due to reduced bone density, higher incidence of post surgical wound infections and problems conceiving. Tobacco stains teeth, causes bad breath and decreases the ability to smell and taste. Those who use smokeless tobacco, such as chew or use snuff, are likely to develop disease of the mouth, including cancer of the mouth and gums.

Second hand smoke-The smoke breathed out by smokers and the smoke from burning end of cigarette, cigar or pipe has twice as much nicotine, and five times the carbon monoxide, as the smoke that is inhaled. Passive smoking is harmful and non smokers living with smokers about 25% chances of heart attack and more likely to suffer a stroke. 

  • You need to be mentally prepared to give up. Remember the mind is stronger than the body. Ask yourself why you want to stop smoking. Remove all things related to tobacco from your home.
  • Tell your friends and relatives that you want to give up the habit and make them encourage you.
  • Whenever you have a desire to use gutka or to smoke, take about 15-20 deep breaths.
  • Take 2-3 glasses of water after every meal.
  • Consume at least twelve glasses of water every day to overcome the habit.
  • Bathing in warm water after some exercise will give you relief. Talk to the people who do not smoke or have given up smoking.
  • Add up the money you have saved by giving up smoking.
  • When you have a strong urge to use tobacco in any form, chew aniseeds (saunph), clove (lavang) or dry amla.
  • Yoga and meditation helps. Regular yoga helps in various ways to give up tobacco. It increases will power and tolerance.

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