Monday, September 17, 2012

What Is Right Way To Breathe ? Just Breathe Like Babies Do

If you wish to know the correct breathing technique, just look at babies. Nobody has taught them how to breathe, yet they follow the most correct method - breathing deeply through the nose while inflating the stomach. As we grow old, we fall prey to shallow breathing habits that in the long run, play havoc with our health. Our nutrition and fitness regimen may be up to the mark, but its benefits won't be realised until we learn to breathe right.

In simple words, correct breathing is "breathing through the nose". The nasal hair and the slimy surface of nasal track's inner lining filter the air and restrict dust and other minute particles from entering the lungs. This is a very crucial as some people, because of a blocked nose (or other reasons) breathe through their mouth, and continue with this habit when the cold disappears. 
Secondly, correct breathing involves the correct co-ordination of stomach movement during the inhaling and exhaling process. When one inhales the stomach should bloat or expand, when one exhales stomach ought to go flat. 

  1. Deep breathing strengthens our immune system. If you find yourself falling sick consistently, it is probably due to your wrong breathing technique. 
  2. Many of us have shallow breathing habit. As a result of this, there's not enough oxygen in the body. The oxygen-starved state sends the body's stamina crashing. Climb a few stairs or run for a few meters and you will find yourself feeling breathless. 
  3. When we are under stress, our breathing rate quickens and we fall in the 'shallow breathe' trap. As a result of this, the body experience lack of oxygen and fighting stress becomes even more difficult. So the next time you are anxious or stressed, don't fall in the vicious cycle, instead breathe deeply.
  4. An important role of oxygen is purification of blood and flushing out of toxins. The lack of oxygen is responsible for build-up of toxins.
  5. Many people develop wrong breathing technique while working out. Incidentally, incorrect breathing can nulify most of your regimen benefits. Never hold your breath. Ensure that you breathe deep and that your stomach expands as you inhale and goes flat when you exhale.
  6. Correct breathing helps us relax, gives clarity of through and helps achieve a sense of balance.
  7. If you find yourself dealing with frequent headaches, chances are lack of oxygen is the culprit.


Follow these simple exercises and correct your breathing pattern:
1) Dirgha Shwasan (Deep Breathing)
Inhale deeply and exhale deeply. Pay attention and consciously co-ordinate stomach movement with every breath.

2) Anulom Vilom
Fold the index and the middle finger of the right hand.
Use your thumb to close the right nostril and the last two fingers to close the left nostril.
Close the left nostril and inhale through the right. Then, close the right, and exhale through the left.

Next, inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right.
Continue the cycles as long as you can.

3) Kapal Bhati
Use the thumb to close the right nostril.

Inhale a bit from the left nostril and exhale with force.
Repeat the process for 15 to 20 times with each nostril seprately.

Then, repeat this process with both the nostrils open. This completes the cycle of Kapal Bhati.


  • The air that we inhale during the breathing process is roughly 20 per cent oxygen and 80 per cent nitrogen.
  • The blood vessels (or the capillaries) present in our lungs, if positioned in a straight line will extend to almost 1,500 km.
  • A normal person at rest breathes 12 to 15 times every minute.
  • You lose almost 500 ml of water every day due to breathing.

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